Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education including Relationships & Sex Education (PSHE inc RSE)
What do we want for our children in their PSHE inc RSE curriculum and why is it important?
PSHE plays a vital role in children’s development to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. We want our children to lead confident, healthy and independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens. Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on mental health, wellbeing, keeping healthy and supports them in developing positive and healthy relationships with others. Through our lessons we teach about rights and responsibilities, and learn how to appreciate being a member of a diverse multicultural society. We lay the foundations that prepare pupils for manging aspects of life, such as career choices, finances and responsibilities. The children also learn about the importance of staying healthy as well as age appropriate RSE (Relationships and Sex Education).
How do we teach ‘PSHE inc RSE’ at Zetland Primary?
At Zetland Primary School, ‘PSHE inc RSE’ is organised and delivered in different ways. Most of our work is delivered as a discrete lesson, however some will lessons will be part of cross-curricular teaching. We also teach our ‘PSHE inc RSE’ though circle time, group and class discussion as well as being a part of a class and wider school community. We use a range of planned stories that carry meaning or prompt deeper discussion. We organise visits from different organisations. We use a variety of resources to teach ‘PSHE inc RSE’ including ICT. In particular, we use the resource Yasmine and Tom to support our RSE teaching.
‘PSHE inc RSE’ topics are usually taught within class groups. However, staff are mindful of the issues that may be raised and will sensitively adapt their approach when appropriate.
What is the impact of teaching ‘PSHE inc RSE’ at Zetland Primary school?
Through quality teaching and learning and being part of our school community, our pupils will:
- Have an understanding of practices and routines that contribute to emotional, mental and physical health.
- Understand and appreciate diversity within society, developing attitudes of respect and consideration for others feelings, beliefs and values.
- Understand how they can keep themselves and others safe, both in their physical environment and online.
- Develop self-esteem and view themselves and their unique talents in a positive light.
- Have resilience and be able to persevere when faced with a challenge
- Feel confident to ask for appropriate support for themselves and others and know how to access this.
- Understand that their words and actions impact others and develop a sense of responsibility towards themselves, others and their wider community and environment.
- Increase their independence as they mature and ultimately take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
- Develop the personal and social skills required to play a positive role in society
- Develop an understanding of physical changes and what this may mean for themselves and others as they mature.
- Develop skills and understanding that will contribute to their future roles in society, be that a parent or family member, an employer or an employee, a mentor or friend.
Information for parents
For more information on the content of our PSHE curriculum (including RSE), please click below to view our school overview for PSHE and the long term plan our Trust uses…