School Uniform
We encourage children to be clean and tidy, of smart appearance and to wear the proper school uniform at all times when involved in school activities.
Children feel they belong at school because they dress similarly to their classmates both in class and during an out-of-school activity. Wearing uniform prevents clothing becoming the focus of unkind comparisons based on cost and fashion.
Children should wear the school uniform, which is practical and inexpensive. It helps to give a child a sense of pride in belonging to a special organisation and helps to avoid arguments about wearing the latest expensive and inappropriate fashions to school.
School Uniform is as follows: |

Polo shirts and sweatshirts with the school logo and your child’s initials embroidered on are available from Quick-a-Stitch which is located just off Redcar High Street.
Pupils must be suitably dressed for school whether or not they are strictly in uniform, having regard to season, weather, activity of the day (for example school visits), modesty, comfort and safety. There should be no jewellery for health and safety reasons. The use of nail varnish and make-up are not allowed. Clothing is unsuitable if it is easily torn, highly decorated or very bright. Clothing is unsuitable if the garment has no sleeves, leaves the midriff uncovered or is very tight fitting.
All clothing must be marked with the child’s name. We do collect many items of lost property over the school terms, so do come and ask if something is missing!
Pupils must have black footwear that is comfortable, in reasonable repair and suitable for the season, for example wellingtons for playing in the snow, warm boots or shoes on cold days and lighter weight shoes in summer. Boots are not suitable for all day wear in school because they can cause feet to overheat. Unsuitable footwear includes shoes with very thick soles or high heels that prevent ordinary running and shoes with difficult laces.
PE Kit:
Boys and girls needs: |
The PE kit must be kept in a named bag small enough to be kept tidily in the cloakroom. Children should bring PE Kit to school on Mondays and take it home on Fridays for washing. A full PE Kit including bag can be purchased from Quick-a-Stitch, they can also provide school jogging bottoms for our KS2 children.
Uniform can be purchased from any retailer- including from second-hand and reselling outlets- and does not need to be branded with the school logo.