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Welcome to our Nursery class page!

In Nursery, we are excited for your child to begin their educational journey in school!  In Nursery, we focus particularly on our communication and language skills, our physical development and developing our personal and social skills.  This includes learning to socialise, work and play with other children, learn routines and continue to work on our skills to become more independent.

Throughout Nursery we encourage and support children to become confident and independent learners.  We work to build strong partnerships with parents to that we can develop you child’s education together.  We want your child to be happy and have a positive learning experience where they feel nurtured and supported and where we can have lots of fun learning together!

Mrs Coupland
Is our AM Nursery Teacher
Mrs Crame
Is our PM Nursery Teacher
Mrs Al-Dick
Support teaching staff. 


Our AM session begins at 8.45.  Pick up is between 11.30 and 11.45am.

Our PM session begins at 12.30.  Pick up is between 3.15 and 3.30pm.

Our Nursery entrance is via Gosforth Avenue through the EYFS gate, for both dropping off and picking up your child.


Please click on this link to find out about our school uniform.

Please help us and your child by putting a name in all of their clothing, particularly jumpers and cardigans. Thank you!

Snack Time

Each day, the children have a drink of milk and a piece of fruit.  The children in Nursery sit together to enjoy their snack.  The children also have access to water during the Nursery session.

Information for parents:

We firmly believe we want you to be part of your child’s educational journey, and this includes keeping you updated with things happening in school and wow learning moments.  At Zetland Primary School, we use a safe app called Marvellous Me. This app allows your child’s teacher to contact you with important messages, rewards and letters. We ask that you upload this app to your phone, (the app is free). You will need to put your child’s unique code in the app. You are asked to high 5 your child’s class teacher, this way we know you have received the information.

We also will send you out a code to use on Seesaw.  Through Seesaw, we will send out learning activities for your child to complete at home and send out wow learning moments from your child.  Seesaw allows you to be able to comment about your child’s posts and send in your own photos from home of your child’s learning.

We also have a twitter account where we also share photos from both Reception and the wider school to show what we have been learning.

Contact Information:

Before starting Nursery, you will be asked to fill in forms asking for contact information including emergency contacts.  Subsequently, at the beginning of each school year,  you will be asked to check to see if all of your contact details are up to date. This includes phone numbers, email and current addresses. If any information changes, please contact the school as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy

We regard your privacy as important and any personal information you give to us will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations.

We do not store personal information about individuals who visit this site except where they provide contact information via our contact us page and contact forms available on various pages throughout the website.

Any information you provide will only be used for the reasons specified and it will not be shared with any third party without your consent, unless required by law.

Your contact details are kept securely and are only accessed by authorised members of staff as part of the provision of school services. If you do not wish us to keep this contact information please tell us.

This website uses Google Analytics which provides statistical data about the usage of the site. This information is not used to identify individuals, but is collected to provide us with an understanding of the areas of interest on our site and how our site is being used.

If you are connected to the internet you will have an IP Address. This may take the form of a figure, such as 333.333.22.1. The address will be automatically collected and logged as part of the connection of your computer to our web server and may be used to determine the total number of visits to each part of the site. This data is not collected and used for other purposes.

This website contains links to other websites. The School is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites or organisations and recommends you consult the privacy information on those sites.

This policy will be reviewed and updated versions will be posted on the website.

If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, the Information Commissioner is the independent regulator for both Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION We are currently upgrading our website. Please bear with us if any links don’t work, it’ll be up and running soon.